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Friday, May 11, 2012

My Experience with Using Different Aerobic Exercises and Cardio Workouts to Burn Fat and Get Ripped

With most Americans overweight, it should come as no surprise that a high percentage of people who spend part of their time to exercise do so with the intention of burning body fat ugly.It is well known that cardiovascular and aerobic exercises are the absolute best ways to explain the formation of fat fast. However, with so many options to choose from cardiovascular exercise can be a difficult task to decide what will ultimately be best for your personal training program.In this paper I will explain my experiences in experimenting with different cardio and aerobic exercises and training techniques, give some first hand advice to help you choose a cardio program that is right for you, give you instructions for obtaining resultsfaster your fat burning cardio exercises, and also share with you some of the health benefits of aerobic exercise I discovered that he could have been aware.For those of you who are new to the scene of cardio training, I will begin by giving a quick explanation of what aerobic exercise (also known as cardio) is ...What is aerobic exercise?The textbook definition of aerobic exercise is basically any activity that may be carried out continuously for relatively long periods of time will result in a sustained elevation of heart rate. Under the right conditions this sustained increase in heart rate requires a greater amount of energy that can be supplied by the blood sugar which will force your body to oxidize fat stores of the body to boost its meeting aerobics. The best way to ensure your fat burning cardio are maximizing your ability to burn fat is to maintain an intensity that keeps your heart rate within your target fat-burning heart rate zone.Since the maintenance of an elevated heart rate is the only requirement for cardio, there are actually many types of good cardio exercises that burn fat effectively. I tried several types of aerobic exercise, a few that worked very well and others that I had to leave.Now I will share with you some of the different types of cardio exercises that I used to give an idea of ​​its effectiveness burning fat and what to expect with each option of aerobic exercise.Cardio HIIT - High Intensity Interval cardioInsanity Workout cardio ProgramHIIT have become increasingly popular in recent times with programs like the crazy system that uses high intensity cardio as their main technique of burning workout fat. As I explain in my fat burning heart rate publication, the moderately high intensity workouts are most effective in burning unwanted body fat, which is exactly what it offers HIIT. That said, intense cardio workouts are not for everyone and not everything that is painted.HIIT cardio is carried out by small moments of intense activity such as sprinting, followed by a rest period. This cycle is repeated throughout the duration of the cardiovascular workout. The small moments of activity should be performed at an intensity almost 100% as possible in order to raise your heart rate to an extremely high level. As you can imagine, this can be physically demanding on your muscles and heart.I tried doing HIIT cardio by performing interval runs on my treadmill at a full tilt (and the maximum speed) for a few weeks and I can confirm that this type of cardio is not for the faint of heart. I was doing 30 second sprint followed by 1-2 minutes of rest. After 30 minutes I felt as if my heart would burst out of my chest and I felt nauseous, even after a couple of them high-intensity cardio.While lost about a quarter inch of fat from the stomach after 2 weeks of doing HIIT cardio five workouts each week, I came across this type of cardio for being too intense to continue as part of a long-term cardiovascular and started fearing my cardio because I knew how I would feel after finishing them.I decided to try a different cardio routine exercises that do not leave me feeling so fell after a relatively short training, 30 minutes ...A Better for Cardio DiscoveredHeart Rate Monitor WatchAfter doing extensive research on the most effective ways to do cardio, I discovered that the reason intensity interval cardio was so effective was because it provides the strength needed to raise the heart rate at the optimum rate of fat burning heart and argued that the heart rate for an extended period of time - even for short intervals of rest.When a running track in high school, I used to continually monitor the heart rate while running and I know that do not require extreme intensity to significantly raise the heart rate of someone. From my research I discovered what my heart rate should be more efficient to remove fat, I decided to experiment with elliptical cardio treadmill moderate intensity cardio exercises to see if it would be sufficient to raise the target heart rate fat burning zone.I was relieved to discover that you had to kill me with intense cardio to quickly shed fat.After about 5 minutes of jogging on a treadmill, or do resistance training to low elliptical my heart rate was right where it should be - and stayed there for my entire 30 minutes of cardio. The best part is that I felt completely exhausted after completing my training and really did not care to do more cardio.After two weeks of using this new technique of cardio, which measures three-eighths of an inch in a decrease in the fat of my stomach, which was comparable to the results I have achieved while using HIIT cardio I left about to fall over after each workout. As you might guess, I was very excited by what I had learned.You can try this type of moderate intensity cardio workout for you, but first have to know what your personal fat burning heart frequency range should be to optimize fat loss results. To obtain accurate information from your optimal cardio heart rate range, click the link below:Discover Fat Burning staff heart rate zone for you to get the most effective Fat Loss CardioThe convenience of doing cardio at homeAfter a couple of years of travel to my local gym to do my cardio, it began to be annoyed with the 20-minute drive to the gym and hope that one of the few ellipticals or treadmills were empty when I got there. I decided I had to try to find a way to do my cardio workouts at home to help relieve some of my travel time and share the frustrations of cardio equipment in the gym. I started my home cardio, doing what is supposed to be one of the best cardio workout dvds, but I quickly realized that the work to an instructor in the video that tells me what to do, not for me.I am the type of person who likes to put my headphones, turn up the volume as high as possible, and think of my cardio workout as possible.I've always preferred elliptical workouts because they involve the whole body, allowing me to quickly raise and keep my heart rate target zone in my fat burning, without using a level of intensity that would be too much physical exertion.After a few weeks of my wife's insistence, she finally relented and allowed me to buy an elliptical machine I had my eye on. I had tried several different models of elliptical trainers home and there was really only one that provides a level of comfort and stability compared with the business model that had been using in the gym. If you've been thinking about buying an elliptical machine at home, I recommend the Body Solid E7 Elliptical. More expensive than most other residential models, but the quality and comfort is well worth the investment.While not in the budget of most people buy a complete home gym, it's much cheaper to invest in an elliptical machine treadmill, cardio DVD, or any other method of cardiovascular exercise at home to do your cardio workouts much more practical, comfortable and effective time. I love being able to pull on a pair of shorts and a tank top and head downstairs to do my cardio - is better than driving to the gym every day of the week!Choose the best cardio workout for youFat burning cardio exercises need not be complicated. I can tell you from my own personal experience that if you can keep your fat burning heart rate zone for about 30 minutes, your cardio workouts will burn a significant amount of fat over time - despite what the Cardio workouts are using.So when it comes to choosing a cardio workout that is best for you, I have found that the most important factor in your decision should be choosing a workout or a set of aerobic exercise training most enjoy doing. If you try to force through boring cardio or uncomfortable, which inevitably will struggle to make your cardio workouts with the kind of consistency required to give substantial amounts of body fat and not get very far.This is exactly what I experienced when using high intensity interval training cardio in my every day and it is why not do it again. While there is an aerobic exercise (or even several types of aerobic exercises) that you enjoy doing, you have a better chance to go ahead with its commitment to cardio, which will greatly increase the likelihood that will remain dedicated to burning fat cardio.Benefits of Aerobic ExerciseFat direct burning benefits of aerobic exercise is something that even those who have never exercised a day in their lives understand. However, my research and experience has shown other benefits of aerobic exercise you should consider.Cardiovascular exercise increases metabolismCardiovascular exercise is great for burning calories quickly while being performed.Another far-reaching benefits of cardio is that studies have shown that in the hours following cardio exercises the body is much less likely to store fat, and, of course, will burn up 100 extra calories during the 24 hours after an aerobic workout is complete.This increase in metabolism can have a huge impact on the course of several weeks and is a great example of why it is so important to try to fit up to 30 minutes of cardio exercises as possible each week.Improves Heart HealthThe heart is a muscle, and like other muscles in the human body, which responds positively to certain tensions. Cardiovascular exercise is very effective in strengthening your heart and it is working to deliver blood to the muscles in your body that provides energy and nutrition they need while you are working out.The main benefit heart health is to prevent the leading cause of death in the U.S. - heart disease. There are some other heart-healthy benefits of regular aerobic exercise, but this benefit is that you can extend your life and should only be enough to motivate us to make time for cardio.Reduce stressStress has been linked to all kinds of health risks. High levels of stress may increase the risk of heart disease, reduce the role of the endocrine system and has even been linked to the onset of cancer. There are also some short term side effects caused by stress that we all want to avoid. For example, when I'm stressed, I get very irritable and the slightest discomfort can make me angry.Moderate intensity cardiovascular exercise reduce stress by promoting the release of endorphins which are hormones produced by the body that regulates our mood and stress levels, among other things.Cardiovascular exercise has been instrumental in allowing me to maintain a low stress level. I have a hectic schedule and it's easy for me to let my stress get the better of me. I experience a noticeable difference in the amount of stress I've been in the days I do cardio. Regular exercise has been very good cardio to keep my stress levels under control, which is the most tangible way that I have benefited from aerobic exercise - other than my lower body fat levels.Final Word on Cardio WorkoutsI have shared my experience with Cardio and hope you find it helpful for you to choose best cardio program for you, and will motivate you to make a commitment to regular aerobic exercise.Before closing, I want to mention quickly the importance of nutrition at the time of burning unwanted fat. While cardio is the best form of exercise to shed the fat, if you are not following an effective plan for fat loss nutrition, the results of fat loss is minimal.I lost too much time not knowing how I was feeding my body and I want to avoid making the same mistake. Once I am committed to a diet of fat loss, I was able to quickly transform my body, and I want you to experience the same kind of success. Here is a website that will teach you exactly how to structure the diet of the fastest results possible fat burning:

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