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Monday, October 8, 2012

Free Exercise Tips For Teenagers - Diet

                                         Weight Loss And Diet Plan

Diet Tip No. 3     Consider Whether You're Hungry
Diet Tip No. 4     Be Choosy About nighttime Snacks
Diet Tip No. 5     Enjoy Your Favorite Foods
Diet Tip No. 6     Enjoy Your Treats Away From Home
Diet Tip No. 8     Eat Protein At Every Meal
Diet Tip No. 9     Spice It Up
Diet Tip No. 12    Eat Foods In Season
Diet Tip No. 15    Be Physically Active

Drink plenty of water or other calorie-free beverages

People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger. So you end up eating extra calories when iced glass of water is what you really need.

"If you do not like plain water, try adding citrus or a splash of juice, tea or drinks such as mango or peach infused, which has a lot of calories but not flavor," says Cynthia Sass, RD, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic

Think about what you can add to your diet, not what you should take away

Start by focusing on getting the recommended servings 5-9 of fruits and vegetables every day.

"It sounds like a lot, but it is well worth it, because at the same time you are achieving your goals and feeling more comfortable fibers from the volume of food," says chef Laura Pansiero, RD.

You're also less likely to overeat because fruits and vegetables store fat in the diet. This is not to mention the health benefits of fruits and vegetables. More than 200 studies have documented qualities prevent the disease from plant chemicals found in the products, says Pansiero.

Have to get more of a proposal for: vegetables in meals rather than just serve them as the two sides on a gold platter.

"I love to take seasonal vegetables and make stir-fries, frittatas, risotto, pilafs, soups, or layer on sandwiches," says Pansiero. "It is very easy to buy a variety of vegetables and incorporate them into dishes."

Consider whether you're really hungry

Whenever you feel like eating, look for physical signs of hunger, suggests Michelle May, MD, author of I'm hungry?

"Hunger is the way your body to tell you that you need fuel, so when passion does not come from hunger, eating will not satisfy it," she says.

When you're done eating, you should feel better - not stuffed, bloated, or fatigue.

"Stomach only the size of your fist, so it does not take only a handful of food to fill comfortably," says May.

Remember your portions reasonable help you get more in touch with your feelings of hunger and fullness.

Be choosy about nighttime snacks

Mindless eating occurs most frequently after dinner, when you sit down at the end and relax.

"Sit down with a bag of chips or cookies in front of the TV is an example of eating amnesia, where you can eat mindlessly without being hungry, but out of habit," says a spokesman for the American Dietetic Association Malena Perdomo, RD.

Either close down the kitchen after a certain hour, or allow yourself a snack low calorie, such as a package of calories 100 - cookies or scoop half a cup of low-fat ice cream. When you find that you're usually satisfied and low-cal snack, try a cup of tea zero calorie, suggests Perdomo.

Enjoy your favorite foods

"I think put your favorite foods outside the borders lead to weight gain because it leads" rebound "overeating," says Sass.

Instead of dispensing your favorite foods completely, the shopper is slim. Cake bakery to buy a new one instead of the box, or a small part of the candy from bulk bins instead of a full bag.

"You can enjoy your favorite foods, but must do so in moderation," says Sass.

Enjoy your treats away from home

When you need a treat, Ellie Krieger, RD, a group of healthy appetite for food network, suggests taking a walk to the local ice cream parlor or planning a family picnic.

"By making an adventure, you do not have to worry about the presence of temptation treated at home, and it is a fun and enjoyable way to make it work when trying to lose weight," says Krieger.

For those times you just can not get out? Krieger stocks her kitchen with fresh fruit, and that you think they are every bit as delicious as any other dessert.

Eat several mini-meals during the day

If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. But when you are hungry all the time, eating fewer calories can be difficult.

"Studies show people who eat meals or snacks 4-5 per day are better able to control appetite and weight," says obesity researcher Rebecca Reeves, his path, RD.

It recommends dividing your daily calories in small meals or snacks and enjoying as many of them as you can early in the day - dinner should be the last time you eat.

Eat protein at every meal

Protein is more satisfying than carbohydrates or fats, and thus may be a new secret weapon in weight control.

"Diets higher in protein [and] moderate in carbohydrates, along with regular exercise lifestyle, has excellent potential to help weight loss," says University of Illinois protein researcher Donald Layman, PhD.

Get enough protein helps maintain muscle mass and encourages fat burning while keeping you feeling full. So be sure to include healthy protein sources, such as cheese, yogurt, nuts, or beans, at meals and snacks.

Spice it up

Add spices or Chile in your food for a flavor boost that can help you feel comfortable.

"Food that is loaded with flavor will stimulate your taste buds and be more satisfying so you will not eat as much," says Perdomo.

When you need something sweet, sucking candy inflamed wounds for long-term explosion of calories with little sweetness.

Stock your kitchen with healthy convenience foods

After ready-to-eat snacks and meals in minutes food on hand sets you up for success. You'll be less likely to hit the car through the floor or in a pizza order if you can make a healthy meal in 5 or 10 minutes.

SASS stores kitchen with:

94% microwave popcorn fat-free (20-25 calories per cup, and you can make it in two minutes or less)
Frozen vegetables
Bags of pre-washed greens
Canned diced tomatoes
Canned beans
Whole grains or wraps Bates
Grilled chicken breast cooked
A few containers of pre-cooked brown rice

Within minutes, they can toss together a healthy mix.

Order childrens portions at restaurants

"When you're eating out, order pizza child or a small sandwich, such as an easy way to cut calories and get portions under control," suggest Perdomo.

Another trick to use smaller dishes. This helps the parts seem to be more than that, and if your mind is satisfied, your stomach is likely to be, too.

Eat foods in season

"If you do not like certain fruits or vegetables, it can be because you ate them out of season when they have little taste or flavor," says Pensiero. "When you eat seasonally, fruits and vegetables are the most delicious, at its best, and I promise you will not be disappointed."

Trattoria Gigi, her restaurant in Rhinebeck, NY, she serves simple fruit desserts, such as naturally sweet strawberries and topped with balsamic vinegar age, or low-fat yogurt or fresh berries compote.

Swap a cup of pasta for a cup of vegetables

Simply by eating less pasta or bread and vegetables more, you may lose dress or pants size in a year.

"You can save 100-200 calories if you reduce the portion of starch on your plate and increase the amount of vegetables," says Sass.

Use non-food alternatives to cope with stress

Sooner or later, you're going to face a stressful situation. Instead of resorting to food for comfort, be prepared with some non-food tactics that work for you.

SASS suggest reading some of the chapters in the novel, listening to music, writing in a journal, and contemplative practice deep breathing, or looking at a photo album of their loved ones.

Be physically active

Although it may seem counterintuitive, do not use exercise either to punish yourself for eating or "earn" the right to eat more.

"When you do this, it puts the pattern of negative thinking, and that is why a lot of people say they hate to exercise," says May.

Instead, focus on how great you feel, and how much better you sleep and how you have more energy when you exercise. Physical activity is good for you, whether you're trying to lose weight or not, and to maintain a positive and constructive usually for life.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Your Complete Guide for Fast Muscle Growth - Build More Muscle in Less Time With These Proven Nutrition and Weight Training Instructions Specifically Designed for Maximum Muscle Growth

Maximize muscle growth is the goal of every serious bodybuilder, but only a select few individuals understand and implement all the principles and techniques necessary for successful muscle building. You'll learn everything you need to know about structuring your bodybuilding program for muscle growth fast.This publication is intended as a comprehensive guide to ensure you never have to look elsewhere for instructions on how to build more powerful lean muscle as fast as possible. Let's get started!Section 1: Muscle Building NutritionSection 2: muscle building diets and use food for muscle growthSection 3: the best supplements for muscle growthSection 4: The best muscle building workoutsSection 5: Tips and techniques for muscle growth Muscle BuildingIMPROVEMENTSince nutrition is the most important element for rapid muscle growth, and is the most neglected aspect in bodybuilding, it is logical that we begin to address the best way to feed your body to build muscle fast. Let's start with the nutrient that is most responsible for muscle growth - proteins.Sources of the best protein for muscle growthI spent years believing that all protein sources are equal to the time of your muscle building potential. While it is difficult to admit, after years of eating large amounts of protein in the hope to build muscle quickly, I eventually learned that much of the protein that was feeding my body was practically useless for building mass muscle.While this was a hard pill to swallow at once, I am glad that I realized the error of my ways, because it allowed me to quickly put on muscle with only a slight modification to my diet plan.IMPROVEMENTAmino Acids and Proteins CompleteThe proteins are composed of a combination of amino acids. While there are a total of 22 different amino acids, only 14 of them are produced naturally by the human body. The 8 amino acids can not be manufactured by the body are called essential amino acids.8 essential amino acids are leucine, lysine, isoleucine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine. These amino acids are directly responsible for the production of muscle building hormones like testosterone, and are required to build new muscle tissue.The protein you consume and do not contain all 8 essential amino acids can not be used by the body for muscle growth without supplying your body with essential amino acids missing from some other source. If your goal is to gain muscle fast, you should ensure you are feeding your body with complete protein containing all 8 essential amino acids, which are the best sources of protein for muscle growth. In fact, are the only proteins that can be used for muscle growth alone.Here is a list of the most common sources of complete proteins:

Poultry (chicken and turkey)
The meat (beef, pork, etc)
Fish (salmon, tilapia, shrimp, etc.)
Dairy products (milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, milk, etc)
Whey proteinProteins that are not from the above sources are incomplete proteins, and that will be useless for muscle growth on its own. While foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and pastas do contain protein, proteins that come from these sources are incomplete and not seen as sources of building muscle protein. If you are serious about building muscle fast, most of the protein you should eat should come from sources of complete protein to build muscle.Indeed, it is perfectly acceptable and healthy for you to eat incomplete proteins, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and pastas. However, you want to make sure they do not have the protein in these foods for muscle growth, and that you are eating enough protein muscle building complete protein sources listed above.The role of carbohydrates for muscle growthAs the main source of energy in the body, carbohydrates are an integral part of any program for muscle growth. Not only do carbohydrates serve as fuel for weight training, but also can have a significant impact on our ability to build muscle.Although most people have been exposed to the importance of the protein when it comes to building muscle, the role of carbohydrates in the muscle growth equation is not as well known. Let's review the basic types of carbohydrates and see how they affect our ability to build lean muscle mass.The complex carbohydratesComplex carbohydrates are carbohydrates that are composed of numerous decay chains of molecules (that's why they are called complex). This type of carbohydrate is abundant in foods that contain grains and starches such as bread, potatoes, rice, oatmeal and pasta.Complex carbohydrates take a while to be digested and broken down after you eat.Accordingly, complex carbohydrates provide our bodies with a slow and sustained source of energy. Because complex carbohydrates are digested slowly, which does not lead to large spikes in blood sugar that can lead to gains in body fat - as long as they are consumed in moderation.Many bodybuilders neglect the importance of complex carbohydrates, and not to consume in the appropriate proportions, which ultimately leads to decreased muscle growth. You may wonder how a diet deficient in complex carbohydrates can lead to decreased muscle growth. I'll tell you.The energy provided by carbohydrates of sugar is the main source of fuel your body, and if their sugar reserves are lacking, your body will break down proteins in your body to compensate for the energy deficiency.In fact, if you deprive your body of complex carbohydrates for long enough, your body even go into a catabolic state and start "eating out" in muscle tissue of the energy it needs to function. This is obviously desirable and is a big problem for those of us interested in building muscle fast.In short, because complex carbohydrates are a great source of energy to digest the sugar slowly, are absolutely essential for rapid muscle growth as they provide our bodies with the energy we need to perform and train our highest level while preventing the catabolic effect that comes with carbohydrate deprivation.The simple carbohydratesUnlike complex carbohydrates, simple carbohydrates have a very simple molecular structure that does not have numerous branches - hence the name, simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are found in fruits, sugar, juice and honey.Simple carbohydrates are also important for the optimization of our muscle growth, but we have to use some discretion with regard to the date when we consume simple carbohydrates.Simple carbohydrates are digested quickly and lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar. If this energy is not exhausted sugar, ultimately, will be stored in our body as fat. However, the peaks of blood sugar provide excellent opportunities for muscle growth and recovery when they occur immediately before and after weight training.During and after training with weights, your muscles have an immediate need for energy, along with the nutrients needed for recovery and muscle growth. The consumption of simple carbohydrates an hour before and immediately after training, will give your body with a fast-acting source of energy and nutrition in building muscle when your muscles need it most .Now that you understand the importance of eating complete proteins, together with a sufficient amount of simple carbohydrates and complex (at the right time), now let's dig a little deeper and go over specific diet plans that allow you to build the muscle fast.Note: Although fats are an important part of any healthy diet plan, in my experience, the role that fat plays in your ability to build muscle will be negligible. I have followed low-fat diets, and diets that are prescribed high amounts of good fats with almost every meal, and I achieved the best results in lean muscle growth, just making a conscious effort to eat foods that are low in fat as long as possible.foods that build muscleThe muscle building diets and foods for muscle growthUnfortunately, there is no specific muscle building diet plan that will be enough for everyone to experience rapid muscle growth. Its weight, metabolism, and the current amount of muscle mass, will all factors in determining the necessary nutrition for you to build muscle.The good news is that the search for his body the nutrition needs for muscle growth is quite simple. I will make a series of muscle building nutritional guidelines to be used as a starting point. You simply follow the following guidelines for a full week, and if your weight has not increased, will increase all the nutritional values ​​by 10%.You continue this process until you are able to measure an increase in weight after a full week. This indicates that you are providing your body with enough nutrition to put on muscle.Note: Once you are able to measure an increase in body weight after a week of following your nutrition plan specific, it is important not to increase its nutritional value, unless their weight does not increase again after a full week If your weight is increasing, you can be sure you're giving your body the nutrition it needs for muscle growth. The extra calories will not result in faster muscle gains, but will only lead to increases in body fat. *Here is what my personal experience has proven to be a good initial set of nutritional guidelines for muscle growth.Muscle Building Meal Plan for weight training days *Nutrient Meals 1 and 2 meals 3 and 4 pre-workout after workout food intakeProtein 34 g 26 g 42 g 42 gCarbohydrates 79g 59g 98g 98gMuscle Building Regime without weight training days *Nutrients Food Meals 1 and 2 3 and 4 meals 5 and 6Protein 40 g 34 g 26 gCarbohydrate 60 g 50 g 38 gThere is much debate in the bodybuilding community regarding the best carbohydrate and protein to build muscle more effectively. I have tried to 50/50, 60/40 and 70/30 to proteins carbohydrates is divided and have found that the use of a split 70/30 in weight training days, and a split 60/40 in the days of no weight training is most effective for the rapid construction of lean muscle mass.Remember to count only complete proteins to account for protein amounts indicated above. Also, make sure you watch your weight each week, and adjust the amounts of nutrients as described above, if you do not measure an increase in body weight.Note that this diet to build muscle should be used by those whose main concern is the rapid muscle growth. If you want to burn fat while building muscle, I recommend you visit my post on how to defraud the Food and detailed instructions for training while building muscle and burn excess body fat.The best supplements for muscle growthWhile supplements are not needed to quickly build muscle, there are some supplements that can help improve muscle building results. I will not go into details about the muscle building benefits of each of these supplements because they have provided my detailed comments of these supplements on other pages will briefly describe the supplements that can improve muscle growth and provide links to my publications that provide a detailed overview of what to expect from each of these supplements.Protein Powder wheyWhey protein is a complete protein is generally sold in powder form that can be easily mixed with water, milk or juice. Whey protein is more effective at building muscle than any other complete protein, but it is a very convenient way to quickly prepare a smoothie with the required amount of protein for any given meal.It can be cumbersome to prepare and cook complete proteins for each meal and you will definitely want to have a tub of protein powder on hand for those times when you just do not feel like cooking. Here is a link to my personal comments of some of the most popular brands of powdered whey protein:My Reviews of Whey ProteinGlutamineGlutamine is an amino acid that has been shown to prevent catabolic breakdown of muscle tissue that can occur during long periods between meals - like when you are sleeping. In order to maximize muscle growth, preventing the breakdown of muscle tissue, glutamine can be taken before bedtime to help ensure that you will not lose any of the muscles that are working so hard to build.Learn more about the benefits of glutamine and glutamine using my personal experiencesCreatine - The best supplement for muscle growthCreatine is one of the few supplements that has been extensively studied and tested to provide increases in strength, endurance and size of muscle cells always use it. If you are serious about muscle hypertrophy, and building muscle fast, creatine is a supplement that you will not want to do without.There are several types of creatine to choose from. I have broken the most popular forms of creatine on the market today, and explain what I think is the best creatine supplement in my best creatine supplement publication.Vitamins for muscle growthVitamins are used by the body to perform a wide range of features - many of which are linked to muscle growth. While the average person receives their required intake of vitamins through their different meals throughout the day, the rigors of weight training imposes additional requirements of the vitamin in those of us who are in the process of building muscle.The conclusion is that if your body is lacking in the vitamins it needs to function, your muscle gains will suffer. Therefore, it is best to take a multivitamin every day as a precaution to make sure they do not experience vitamin deficiencies that may compromise their ability to quickly build muscles.The best muscle building workouts ExplanationUnfortunately, significant muscle growth does not occur naturally. Our muscles should be forced to grow, and the best way to force your muscles to grow is through weight training - but not just any old weight training.For rapid muscle growth, we must ensure that our muscles submitted to intense levels of stress tested our muscles to the point that must be repaired. It is during times of rest, when our body is repairing our tense muscle, that muscle growth takes place.I'm not going to provide a comprehensive training plan on the weight of this publication.However, if you would like to see a training plan that is typical of those who follow me, check out my ad on how to get ripped.For the purposes of this posting you need to know that you should train each muscle group at least once a week, with at least 2 full days of rest, in order to increase muscle mass as quickly as possible. That said, just training this way will not be sufficient to maximize muscle growth.Most aspiring bodybuilders in gyms today really implement lifts enough to build and fully develop each muscle group. The biggest difference between those receiving muscle gains every week, and those who are not, are the training techniques being used. Let me share with you some powerful tips training to help you achieve optimum muscle gains.Tips weight training muscle growth and muscle building techniquesTraining to failureMuscle growth occurs when the muscles adapt to the stresses of weight training as a way to prevent the same amount of stress that causes so much muscle "damage" in the future. In order to ensure that our muscles do not always fully adapt to the stresses of weight training, and continue to grow as quickly as possible, it is essential that we are pushing our muscles to their absolute limit in every set of every lift.The best way I know to do this is through the completion of each weight training to failure.Click here for instructions on Training to Failure and other muscle confusion techniquesTrain with intensityWhen you're in the gym, or in the weight room, you must have the mindset that we are at war - and his enemy is "iron." Before each game, you should start to prepare mentally for one with release of energy and move forward with more explosive movements he can muster to complete the representative of all and sundry.Training with high intensity ensures that you are lifting the most weight possible and carry out the largest number of representatives - two of which will lead to faster muscle growth over time.Take occasional breaks TrainingIf you follow the information I have shared with you in this publication, you will realize continued improvements muscular as ever increasing muscle mass each week. After months of constant training for muscle growth will be beneficial for you to take a week off of training to restore mind and give your muscles a week to fully recover.I know you take a break from training think it would decrease their muscle gains, but I promise that you will achieve higher profits in the long run the muscles by taking a week off training every 4-6 months. It is simply impossible to maintain an optimal level of motivation and intensity week after week for an extended period of time.After taking a week off, coming to the gym feeling rejuvenated with a new sense of purpose and motivation, which will pay dividends in the long run.It's time for muscle growth!I shared everything you need to know to finally obtain rapid muscle growth. By feeding your body the right foods to build muscle, and training techniques for more effective muscle building, you can expect to continuously measure the size and strength gains.Always remember that the only way to succeed natural muscle building is through an effective combination of nutrition and training. I can tell you many years of personal struggle to build muscle to set aside any of these principles guarantees failure.This guide to muscle growth is your map to successful muscle building. While I have shown the way, it is up to you to bring these instructions to work. It is time for you to stop wishing that you could have bigger muscles and put in the work to make it happen!

Why Power Lifters are Fat and What We Can All Learn From the Way They Train

I recently had an email conversation with a beginner to weight lifting that was working to increase as a way to add some muscle to his frame scrawny 130 pounds.He had done some research (in and elsewhere) to try to figure out how to structure your weight training to pack more efficiently in muscle mass and concluded that focuses on strength training to relatively heavy lifting was the way to get there.The only thing that was preventing the commission entirely to strength training was the fact that he had seen so many types of power lifter who were very big and strong, but also fat. I was worried that if they formed similarly to ultimately become fat.As someone who is always trying to be stronger, shows of force like the one in the video above are certainly impressive to me. But unless gaining strength as much as possible is your only goal, and you really do not care much about what your body looks like, not want to have that kind of bowel protruding that characterizes many of the lifters energy in the present day.But is there a way to be big and strong, not too fat?Why is powerlifters body fat So MuchIt's a common misconception that the way to the way in which you train weight will determine whether their results will be more geared towards muscle growth or fat loss.However, this is not the case ...As I told the young man was reluctant to use strength training as the way to gain muscle mass, how they train with weights has little impact on the amount of fat you are, as body fat is almost exclusively a depending on their diet and cardiovascular training.Weight training is to overload the muscles and primed for growth. Nutrition and cardiovascular training are to control their body fat levels.If you consistently eat an excessive amount of calories, you will get fat regardless of how they are training with weights. Similarly, if you are in a state of caloric deficit, you will lose body fat - regardless of how they are training with weights.Someone who only cares about building brute force (such as power lifters more competitive) will not have the motivation to keep your diet under control and stay slim.Therefore, many of the power lifters today are carried around a considerable amount of body fat.They simply have no desire to follow a structured nutrition plan to help them maintain their body fat levels under control, because they simply do not care.You need not be fat to be strongIf you are thinking that lifters can get some of their energy from fat from your body, think again! Muscles push and pull weight - not fat. The amount of fat you have in your body has little or nothing to do with the amount of weight that can be moved.
Why is powerlifters are fat and we can all learn from the way trainedI recently had an email conversation with a beginner to weight lifting that was working to increase as a way to add some muscle to his frame scrawny 130 pounds.He had done some research (in and elsewhere) to try to figure out how to structure your weight training to pack more efficiently in muscle mass and concluded that focuses on strength training to relatively heavy lifting was the way to get there.The only thing that was preventing the commission entirely to strength training was the fact that he had seen so many types of power lifter who were very big and strong, but also fat. I was worried that if they formed similarly to ultimately become fat.Here is a video showing the body type of stereotypical weightlifter Zydrunas Savickas dead lifts a loaded barbell with Hummer tires:
As someone who is always trying to be stronger, shows of force like the one in the video above are certainly impressive to me. But unless gaining strength as much as possible is your only goal, and you really do not care much about what your body looks like, not want to have that kind of bowel protruding that characterizes many of the lifters energy in the present day.But is there a way to be big and strong, not too fat?Why is powerlifters body fat So MuchIt's a common misconception that the way to the way in which you train weight will determine whether their results will be more geared towards muscle growth or fat loss.However, this is not the case ...As I told the young man was reluctant to use strength training as the way to gain muscle mass, how they train with weights has little impact on the amount of fat you are, as body fat is almost exclusively a depending on their diet and cardiovascular training.Weight training is to overload the muscles and primed for growth. Nutrition and cardiovascular training are to control their body fat levels.If you consistently eat an excessive amount of calories, you will get fat regardless of how they are training with weights. Similarly, if you are in a state of caloric deficit, you will lose body fat - regardless of how they are training with weights.Someone who only cares about building brute force (such as power lifters more competitive) will not have the motivation to keep your diet under control and stay slim.Therefore, many of the power lifters today are carried around a considerable amount of body fat.They simply have no desire to follow a structured nutrition plan to help them maintain their body fat levels under control, because they simply do not care.You need not be fat to be strongIf you are thinking that lifters can get some of their energy from fat from your body, think again! Muscles push and pull weight - not fat. The amount of fat you have in your body has little or nothing to do with the amount of weight that can be moved.Do not be fooled into thinking you have to gain weight to be stronger, since it is an absolute lie!To help drive home my point of view, check out this video to be able to lift, Oleksandr Kutcher, £ 792 dead, while lifting a weight of 165 pounds a tear:
I love how after removing Oleksandr amplified a 792 lbs (360 kg) dead weight!The way a weightlifter fat and started lifting power train are essentially the same and both can be very strong and muscular for such training. The only reason is the fat and the other is torn is purely a function of the form in which each body is feeding.Regardless of how you choose to feed your body, strength training should be consistent for anyone who wants to increase muscle mass to your frame.In other words, if you want to build muscle mass and stronger, continuous lifting heavier weights is the absolute best way to do that. There are different methods that people use to ensure they continually get stronger, but as long as they are intentional about increasing their lift weights, you will get bigger and stronger over time, regardless of the amount of fat you are carrying in your body.I detailed a couple of rules that help you get started with strength training in one of my articles devoted to strength training that I wrote a while back.The strength and muscle size relationshipAlways remember that muscle strength and size are directly related. This is a concept that was lost on me most of my formative years of weight training. It's a shame because it would be much bigger and stronger if only I had realized the true power behind the strength training from the beginning.Like many novice lifters who was involved in doing isolation movements with weights of 10-15 repetitions of the same week after week. These are the type of training which are listed in many popular websites and muscle magazines - and they are absolute rubbish!While building muscle reduce fatThe best advice I can give to anyone looking to build muscle mass for strength is to train and monitor their power to ensure that they too are clinging to their body fat levels.Whether your goal is to work to gain mass or shedding fat, weight training should always be centered around mostly compound exercises and movements of body weight, while being intentional about getting stronger. Having the goal of losing excess body fat does not change that fact.Its program of diet and cardiovascular exercise always determine if body fat is cut or not - even if their approach, while weight training is to build strength and muscle development.Many people do not realize that building muscle and shedding fat are actually targets can be attacked simultaneously. This requires having a specific structure of your training plan and nutrition, but it is entirely possible and leads to amazing transformations when the plan is fulfilled.I have detailed a plan in my next book that explains exactly how men and women together can build muscle and reduce body fat to build a physically attractive, slim and muscular.Until my book is released, I hope this article has opened my eyes to the global vision on training to build muscle and the important role nutrition plays in control of their body fat levels.